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About Texas Elite
We are proud to say that Texas Elite is a 501c3 Non Profit. The coaches and other volunteers are NOT paid for the countless hours they put into the athletes and the sport.
The coaches pay for their own food, hotels, coaching certs and travel expenses. We are extremely grateful for the generosity of all our volunteers who make Texas Elite such a great place for youth athletes.
How Do We Bring in Money?
Texas Elite brings in money through multiple avenues. Each year we put on camps and clinics to teach young kids about wrestling and raise money. A small portion of membership costs for Folkstyle, FreeStyle, and Summer wrestling seasons helps us raise additional funds. A portion of small groups and private lessons are fundraisers for the club, and the other portion goes to paying the clinician. Lastly, we bring in money from incredible donors who support our vision.
Where Does the Money Go?
- Rent for the best wrestling facility in the State of Texas.
- Uniforms
- USA Wrestling Cards
- State Registrations for Folkstyle
- Purchase of New Mats
- Maintenance of the mats/wrestling room
- Software like SportsEngine and the website
- Marketing to reach new youth wrestlers
- Guest Clinicians like Helen Maroulis and Kyle Snyder
What We Could Do with Additional Funds
- More NCAA Champion and Olympic Champion Clinics/Camps
- Scholarships for youth who can not afford memberships
- Dual Team Expenses for the athletes
Travel, Hotel, Entry Fees
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